Abstract Submission Instructions
- The conference language will be English. All abstracts must be submitted in English and presentations must be given in English.
- Abstracts must be submitted from the online submission form (see below).
- When submitting your abstract please select the topic area that best represents your work. The program committee will use your selection to help decide on session allocation but may put the talk into a different section when finalising the program.
- Your abstract should not exceed 500 words.
- A maximum of six authors (including the primary/presenting author) may be listed.
- The Symposium requires that all authors provide a financial disclosure and conflict of interest statement.
- Your abstract must include the following sections: Hypothesis, Method,
Results, and Summary.
- The HYPOTHESIS should be stated clearly at the outset and alert the reader to the specific question being asked. The HYPOTHESIS should be no longer than one or two sentences.
- The METHOD section details the experimental techniques and method and should include subjects or samples, main outcome measure, and a discussion on the statistical analysis.
- The RESULTS section outlines the main findings of the investigation, including the statistical basis thereof.
- The SUMMARY section should consist of bulleted statements that outline succinctly the conclusions and their relevance.
- Review papers and papers discussing general aspects of specific topics may also be submitted.
- A maximum of 2 images may accompany your abstract, e.g. pictures, graphics, tables or charts. All images must be “print-ready” with a minimum 300 DPI (maximum 3 MB each) at the time of submission. If accepted, the abstract and images may be reproduced in an abstract book, which will be in black and white.
Presentation Style
Presentations will be podium presentations with LCD projection, otionally including videos. The author will present for up to 6 minutes. 4 min discussion at the end of the session will be available for questions and will be led by the session moderator.
Author Requirements
Authors of accepted abstracts
- must submit to [email protected] the following completed conflict of interest form: COI_disclosure_template.doc
- We are required to declare any Conflicts of Interest by our CME Accreditation body, UEMS. The first (or second) slide in your presentation must include this Conflict of Interest declaration. This slide can be downloaded here: Dupuytren Conflict of Interest Slide.pptx Please modify it to reflect any Conflict of Interest and put it as slide 2 after your title slide or include it on the title slide.
- must guarantee that at least one of the authors will register and attend the conference and present.
- are required, as part of the submission process, to grant permission to publish their abstracts (see "Copyright" below).
- are responsible for ensuring that no existing contractual relations or proprietary considerations restrict the dissemination of their findings.
- are responsible that work presented in abstracts must conform to the applicable policy and principles for experimental procedures.
- The main author must ensure that work presented in the abstract is in accord with ethical policies on using animals and human subjects in research.
Abstracts must be submitted online.
Please note: Abstract submission has been closed.
Submit Abstract »
- Abstract Submission starts: 15 June, 2014
- Abstract submission deadline: 1 December, 2014
- Notification on abstract acceptance: 15 January, 2015
Accepted papers will be published on the conference website, and/or in an abstract book for the conference. Presentations will be video-taped and published on the internet. For more details please refer to proceedings. By submitting an abstract the author(s) agree(s) to publication as defined above and transfer(s) the copyright of the abstract and the presentation at the conference, to the International Dupuytren Society.This transfer will only take effect if the abstract is accepted by the Program Committee.
Conference proceedings will be published after the conference as an electronic and/or paper book. Authors will be invited by the editors to submit their papers as chapters for the book. The copyright for these chapters will be transferred by the author(s) to the International Dupuytren Society and/or publishing company. For more details please refer to proceedings.
Contact in case of problems
Should you experience problems in submitting your abstract, please contact the abstract coordinator
International Conference on Dupuytren Disease and Related Diseases
Groningen, The Netherlands
22 / 23 May 2015
Supported by
Hosted by the
University Medical Center